Project Details




DATE: 2017-2018

In the heart of Ahmedabad's bustling city center, an ambitious project unfolded, seeking to forge a harmonious coexistence between nature and urban spaces. The endeavor aimed to "naturalize" the city center by incorporating cost-effective, locally made vertical urban orchards that would infuse the urban landscape with greenery and ecological vitality.

This transformative initiative became a vibrant showcase of over 2,500 native species of flourishing plants, breathing new life into the squares, plazas, and streets of the neighborhood and fostering a deep sense of community engagement through the maintenance of the domestic gardens.

The interplay between nature and urban spaces assumed a paramount role in our endeavor to "naturalize" the city center, infusing it with the essence of greenery and life. In pursuit of this vision, we embarked on the incorporation of cost-effective, locally-made vertical urban orchards, strategically weaving them into the fabric of squares, plazas, and streets. This innovative approach ushered in a new dimension in the urban street landscape, cultivating an oasis of green within the heart of the bustling neighborhood. With unwavering dedication, our team meticulously installed over 2,500 plants, breathing new life into the urban realm.

A key aspect of our approach was fostering inclusivity, ensuring that the community not only embraced the green interventions but actively participated in their care and nurture. To achieve this, we organized workshops, enlightening the locals about the unique characteristics of each plant and the specific requirements for their well-being. Through these engaging sessions, neighbors metamorphosed into local botanists, developing an intimate understanding of the botanical tapestry they now coexisted with. Armed with newfound knowledge and a sense of stewardship, the community embarked on a shared mission to tend to the flourishing plants, their collective effort resulting in an exuberant display of thriving greenery that gracefully adorned the cityscape.

The success of this endeavor rested on the principle of coexistence, where nature and urbanization converged in perfect harmony. The vertical urban orchards served as a testament to the city's commitment to sustainability and community-driven initiatives. With its thriving ecosystem of native plants and newfound appreciation for local biodiversity, the city center stood as a living testament to the power of collective action and the transformative potential of green interventions. As the seasons cycled, the green tapestry became an enduring symbol of the city's resilience and dedication to fostering a greener, healthier, and more livable urban fabric for generations to come.

Understanding the importance of preserving the traditional urban fabric of the area while accommodating the constraints of limited space, we opted to locate the plants vertically. In close collaboration with the locals, we sought their consent and preferences from a carefully curated catalog of 60 native plant species that were facing the risk of extinction. The diverse selection included herbs, aromatic plants, and valuable medicinal herbs, each contributing to the revival of ecological balance and local biodiversity. These precious treasures found a new home in clay pots, carefully arranged on light metal frames, creating a symphony of verdant beauty that delighted the eye and the soul.

In the wake of installation, the neighborhood underwent a remarkable transformation, with the once monotonous urban streetscape now transformed into a harmonious tapestry of colors and fragrances. The vertical urban orchards not only injected life into the city center but also fostered a sense of place and identity, reaffirming the bond between residents and their cherished locale. As the plants thrived, they bestowed numerous ecological benefits, from purifying the air to providing a nurturing habitat for birds and insects, marking a significant step towards restoring the balance between nature and the built environment.