Project Details





The French Haveli Plaza stands proudly as the pioneering intervention within the neighborhood of Dhal Ni Pol, in the historical city of Ahmedabad. From its inception, our approach was guided by the principle of minimalism and respect for the existing dynamics of the district.

Our primary goal was to preserve the innate charm and authenticity of the space, ensuring that the natural fabric remained untouched. Additionally, we aimed to infuse the area with renewed vitality, enhancing the overall experience for its inhabitants and visitors alike.

At the heart of the project lay the ambitious quest to revive the square's historical essence. However, our intention was not to indulge in nostalgic or reconstructive pursuits. Instead, we embarked on a journey of reinterpretation, breathing new life into the space while remaining respectful of its genuine identity.

We embarked on meticulous research, immersing ourselves in the rich tapestry of the square's past. By delving into historical records and engaging with local communities, we sought to understand the true spirit of the place. The stories of generations past guided our vision, igniting our passion to rekindle the soul of the French Haveli Plaza.

Our design philosophy revolved around the concept of seamless integration. Every intervention was thoughtfully curated to coalesce with the existing architecture and ambiance. Like an artist skillfully adding brushstrokes to a masterpiece, we delicately introduced elements that complemented the square's character, never overshadowing its intrinsic beauty.

We envisioned the plaza as a living canvas, where the lines between history and modernity artfully blurred. The vibrancy of contemporary life danced alongside the echoes of the past, creating a dynamic tapestry of experiences. The plaza became a stage for gatherings, celebrations, and cultural events, drawing the community together and sparking joy in the hearts of those who strolled through its pathways.

Throughout the transformation process, we prioritized authenticity, ensuring that every detail, from the choice of materials to the placement of elements, resonated with the essence of the square. Our reinterpretation paid homage to the historical significance of the place while forging a new narrative that harmonized tradition and innovation.

In conclusion, the French Haveli Plaza project epitomizes the art of sensitive intervention. By embracing minimalism, we nurtured the square's intrinsic spirit and bestowed it with new vitality. Our reinterpretation honored the past while embracing the present, creating a space where heritage and modernity coexisted in harmonious unity. As a result, the French Haveli Plaza became not just a physical space but a vibrant testimony to the enduring essence of a place that continues to evolve, enrich, and enchant.

The French Haveli Plaza project sparked a chain reaction, setting the stage for more profound changes in the neighborhood's future. The once understated Chowk of French Haveli blossomed into a vibrant oasis, inviting people to partake in moments of rest and engage in social activities. Its newfound allure acted as a magnetic force, drawing over 5,000 visitors to explore Dhal Ni Pol during the Heritage Week, where they delighted in witnessing the urban updates and rejuvenated ambiance of the area.

With the project's inception, the transformation went beyond the physical facelift. The plaza became a hub of communal life, witnessing locals and tourists gathering for leisurely strolls, and engaging in conversations, and cultural celebrations. It served as a focal point for fostering community spirit, rekindling a sense of pride among residents for their cultural heritage.

This triumphant endeavor acted as a springboard for further developments and improvements within the neighborhood. The success of the French Haveli Plaza inspired the community to band together, acknowledging the significance of preserving their heritage while embracing the possibilities of progress and modernity.

The ripple effect of this project radiated throughout Dhal Ni Pol, weaving a tapestry of unity and shared vision. Neglected corners found newfound purpose, once-dreary spaces transformed into cherished gems, and the neighborhood's vibrancy flourished in every corner.

As the community embraced its history, the plaza became a living embodiment of harmonious coexistence. It stood as a testament to the seamless fusion of bygone eras and contemporary dynamics, a living testimony that the past and the future can intertwine in perfect balance.

The success of the Heritage Week celebration, drawing in an influx of visitors, mirrored the neighborhood's newfound allure. The urban updates infused fresh energy into the area, attracting attention and curiosity from all walks of life.

The French Haveli Plaza acted as a catalyst, propelling the neighborhood toward a future brimming with positive changes. Its transformation went beyond aesthetics, becoming a vibrant communal space that united residents and enchanted visitors. Through the lens of Heritage Week, Dhal Ni Pol unfolded as a captivating destination, breathing life into its cultural heritage while embracing the dawn of a promising era.